There may be many different factors that influence whether or not a person snores and the key to overcoming the snoring problem is to find the root cause and then treat it. Also, snoring may be a symptom of sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy and sleep apnea. Other causes of snoring include physical conditions like enlarged adenoids, deviated septum or broken nose.
Many options you can try to help stop snoring. Not all methods are effective for all snorers, however the tips on this page are all easy inexpensive options that have been proven to work for many snorers.
A cure for snoring can mean doing exercises that target the elimination of snoring through strengthening the tissues and muscles in the throat and nasal passages. Exercises to stop snoring target the muscles and structures involved in the vibrations that result in snoring and help to firm the tissues associated with these vibrations. More general exercising may increase the wellbeing of the person and lead to a reduction in snoring.
Some people snore because they sleep with their mouth open. This often occurs when sleeping on the back, which allows the jaw to slacken. Sleeping with the mouth open can cause the nasal passages and throat vibrate. This, in itself, doesn’t cause the problem.
The snoring occurs when the noise caused by the vibration escapes through the open mouth. When a snorer sleeps on his or her side, it often encourages them to sleep with the mouth closed. The nasal passages and the throat still vibrate but the noise can’t escape, thus there is no snoring.
Treat allergies. Chronic respiratory allergies can lead to snoring by forcing the allergy sufferer to breathe through the mouth when they sleep. Taking an antihistamine or decongestant before bedtime may help. If your nose is blocked, then try using an over-the-counter saline spray or a humidifier in order to make breathing easier
If you continue to snore loudly, or if your partner tells you that you stop breathing for periods of time while asleep, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

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